by phynix
[photo Juergen Pahle]

Dr. Jürgen Pahle

Center for Quantitative Analysis of Molecular and Cellular Biosystems (BioQuant)
Heidelberg University, Germany
github: ORCID: 0000-0002-7637-7547 Linkedin:


Information processing in living systems
Randomness/unpredictability/stochasticity/(anti-)fragility/Black Swans
Systems Biology
Cheesecakes ➚


[Copasi]COPASI (Complex Pathway Simulator,

[CoRC]CoRC (Copasi R Connector,

Biological memory: a computational investigation of the capacity and dynamics of biological memory - from bacteria to the human immune system (funded by the Klaus Tschira Foundation).

FRONTIER Innovation Fund Project "Cell-to-cell communication and decision making in plants: an integrated experimental and information-theoretic approach" (ZVK49125.2.154).

Encoding, decoding and crosstalk: Information-theoretic investigation of intra- and intercellular communication (funded by the Center for Modelling and Simulation in the Biosciences (BIOMS))

Calcium Models Library - a library of calcium-dependent protein models.

Multiplexing and promoter architecture in B. subtilis quorum sensing.

Information decomposition of multi-dimensional AR processes and its dependence on coupling parameters.

Information flow and complex decoding capabilities in calcium signalling pathways with different topologies.

OscillatorGenerator, for the generation of artificial calcium concentration time series (R-package on CRAN).

Other projects ➚

Publications etc.